At ETP, we understand the importance of accuracy and how it factors into the success of the Consultant team and, ultimately, the stakeholder's investment.
Headquartered in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, we are a small environmental planning shop focused on comprehensive analyses and documentation for traffic noise, air quality, and other NEPA-related impacts associated with transportation projects.
Since 1992, ETP has provided expertise on over 200 transportation projects. We have experience with all levels of project development, from corridor planning to PD&E, to Final Design, to Design-Build. Our projects range in intensity and include park-and-ride lots, bus rapid transit stations, arterial and highway widenings, new alignments, and interchanges.
In addition to noise and air analyses, our seasoned technical writers prepare all levels of NEPA/SEIR Class of Action documentation and Re-evaluations. ETP planners are also skilled in representing our clients at public meetings and have developed a GIS-based Noise Barrier Public Involvement Program that helps track affected owner/renter opinions.
We invite you to learn more about us!
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) - FDOT
Woman Business Enterprise (WBE) - Florida
WBE - Osceola County, Florida
WBE - City of Orlando, Florida
State and Federally Designated Small Business (SAM-registered)

2021 Environmental Transportation Planning, LLC