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Robbin Ossi, AICP

President/Chief Planner

Ms. Ossi is President and Chief Planner at Environmental Transportation Planning, LLC. As Managing Member, she is responsible for overseeing all firm operations. In addition to her administrative duties, Robbin serves as the lead noise specialist for the ETP team. She is a 20+ year member of the FDOT Noise Task Team and helps to shape Florida's Transportation Noise Policy.


Drawing on her 37 years' experience, Ms. Ossi brings to her role as lead noise specialist, a wide breadth of noise modeling skills, accuracy, and knowledge on local, state, and federal transportation projects. She has worked on 170+ transportation projects of all sizes and complexity, ranging from small planning studies that only require identification of potential noise impact to large interstate widening studies with numerous interchanges requiring full-blown noise impact and abatement analyses. As a seasoned technical writer, she documents her findings in a manner that allows both the client and the public to understand the nuances of traffic noise. 


Robbin's familiarity with NEPA and the FDOT PD&E Manual enables her to also provide comprehensive analyses and documentation for many other PD&E elements in addition to Air and Noise.  Robbin is capable of navigating state and federal requirements for all levels of environmental documentation: Categorical Exclusions, Environmental Assessments, and Environmental Impact Statements.  She has proven her ability to work with other project disciplines to compile a document that is both technically proficient and easy to follow for the layperson.  The key to this success is being able to coordinate the efforts of project team members, understanding client needs, as well as successful interaction with the public.

Areas of Expertise

  • Traffic Noise Impact and Abatement Analysis

  • Transit Noise Impact Analysis

  • Air Quality Impact Analysis

  • Section 4(f) Evaluation

  • NEPA Catex, EA, EIS Document Preparation

Professional Affiliations

  • American Institute of Certified Planners (July 1993 -  Certification Number 10233)

  • American Planning Association

  • FDOT Noise Task Team

  • Women's Transportation Seminar

  • TRB Committee ADC40 


  • University of North Florida, 1987 - Master Public Administration

  • Jacksonville University, 1984 - BA Political Science

2021 Environmental Transportation Planning, LLC

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